The Tour Bus

Imagine you’re on a tour bus driving through a beautiful countryside. The bus is packed full of travelers all onboard for the scenic view. However the bus has its window shades drawn down and the passengers are all arguing. They debate who should be sitting where, and who should be listening to who. 

Many times we embody this bus. Instead of enjoying the world around us, we get caught up on inner-chatter and zero-sum games. What’s that person think of me? Who is going to get that promotion? How could I have done that differently?

By getting stuck on these questions and thoughts we are no different than arguing passengers; focused on the wrong thing(s) we miss out on the present around us. It quite literally passes us by. 

Next time you find yourself chattering, think of the tour bus. 

You only have one life; that’s one metaphorical ride.

Will you argue or open the blinds?