Are you making this mistake?

Once upon a time, there was a young man who loved the outdoors, and aspired to own a farm one day. 

But he grew up in the city where his still family lived, and he was expected to return. 

After graduating from school, the man found a job in an office. The pay was reasonable, so he accepted.

“One day, I will build my farm.” he said.

With good fortune, the man was successful at work; promotions led to more responsibilities. More people depended on him at work, so he found it harder to leave.

“One day, I will build my farm.” he said.

The man fell in love and started a family. Ten years turned into twenty, which quickly became forty.  One day the young man woke up and looked at himself in the mirror, he wasn’t so young anymore. 

Soon after, he fell sick and passed away. 

He was cherished and missed by many.

But nobody knew him as a farmer. 

From starting a business to beginning a positive habit, we all have these aspirations, but we never start.

Take working out:

  • We all agree that doing 10 pushups is good for you
  • How long does that realistically take? Two, maybe three minutes?
  • If you did this everyday and added one pushup every few days, you’d be significantly stronger by the end of the year

Yet we never start, which ultimately robs us of our total potential.

“The willingness to start is the littlest thing in life that makes the biggest difference. 

Life isn’t a dress rehearsal. 

Only one person lives in the spotlight, but everyone benefits from stepping on stage.”   

-James Clear

Take the first step today, and embrace your aspirations…

Go build your farm.